Haryana Board of Education

Haryana Board of Education

The establishment of Haryana Board of Education took place in the year 1969. The board was also founded under the act of Haryana act number 11. Initially the head quarter of this board was located in Chandigarh. But after few years it has been shifted to Bhiwani in the year 1981. With only staff members of 100, the board has stated its operation. But after years have passed, the specification has been made with regards to the establishment of the board. The staff members were initially collected from Punjab University. The first examinations that was conducted by the board was the matriculation examination. The first year of examination was done in the year 1970.

Conduction of examination under Haryana Board of Education

The board really had a great work force to conduct the examinations in the middle level of study. The Haryana Board of Education has stated many programs with the help of which the educational quality have developed a lot. The educational pattern adopted by the board was 10 + 2. Just after completing the 12th examination, the students can easily choose their specialization in various standards. The new scheme is also been adopted by the Haryana Board of Education will effect from 1987. There was a vocational examination for all individuals who have enrolled in the vocational courses.

The strength of officials under Haryana Board of Education

The board became really sound with more than 650 officials in the different fields. The students eligible to sit for the examinations was around one million. An elaborate arrangement of question papers as well as answer sheets have been provided by the staff members under Haryana Board of Education. The board has a long-term commitment towards the students in providing quality of education in diverse fields. The innovations in various types of achievement is also been provided by the board towards the students who are studying under this particular board. If the students misbehaves or carries on with any manipulative deed a strict punishment is provided to him or her by the members of Haryana Board of Education.

Education Boards

Education in India State Wise