Analytical skills is a small section of several competitive examinations. It is also part of the aptitude test held prior to the campus interview for student having completed professional studies like engineering. Analytical skills also definitely found in the MBA entrance examinations and other competitive exams for several jobs.
In analytical skills exams, along with Maths, English and General knowledge basic skills like reasoning and aptitude are tested at the various all India exams like the one conducted for Bank Probationary Officer (PO). Many wonder how to prepare for this part of the exams.
Portions for reasoning is not stable, it frequently keeps changing. Earlier, the two types of questions usually appearing in this section were verbal and nonverbal. However, their boundaries keep extending to logical and reasoning skils. Facilitating to play down the number candidates appearing for the examination is the reasoning section. It is important to posses' good analytical skills in English and General knowledge to easily approach reasoning section. Based on these analytical skills questions appear in reasoning section.
Next, you should know the different types of analytical questions and train enough accordingly. The training that you have undergone shows off through the exams results. Although you may not know the entire subject matter, regular practice and training is only needed to handle objective type questions. Maths knowledge is also required for some logical questions. Venn diagram also would come handy to answer few questions in this section. RS Agarwal guide is the best that is available in the market as for as reasoning is concerned. It contains numerous objective type questions in reasoning.
Among the monthly journals, Banking Service Chronicle and Competition Master are highly useful for this purpose. Dhillon group publications bring out lot of books on reasoning. These books are also highly useful to develop this skills. Generally, during the initial stages of learning it is good to study along with a friend to avoid boredom and decline in interest due to monotony. Reasoning skills are emphasized more in the special classes conducted by All India competitive Examination Institutions like National School of Banking.
If 50 questions are asked on topics like English, Maths and General Knowledge, 75 questions are asked on reasoning skills. Hence, shunning away the initial setbacks and focusing more would surely help in answering the reasoning section well. Presently, numerous vacancies are being announced for banking positions.