Awis Kirsten R Lorenzen Awards

Awis Kirsten R Lorenzen Awards scholarship:

Awis is (Association for Women in Science) Kirsten R Lorenzen Awards was established in the year 1971 by the Association of Women in Science, which was decided at the annual meetings of the Federation of American societies in order to experiment Bilogy.1974 Awis Education Foundation was formed with the main purpose of receiving and awarding donations. Awis members contribute some amount of funds to Awis on Initial basis.

Lorenzen Awards

Lorenzen Awards is the scholarship program for the graduates in Physics, Geophysics, space physics and geosciences. In this program students have been awarded the sum of $1000 once in a year, for performing well in academics along with outdoor sports, music, social service and other extracurricular activities. The students who are making their efforts to receive this Lorenzen Award are also taken into consideration.

Eligibility for Awis Kirsten R Lorenzen Awards scholarship:

This award is available only for female undergraduate and pre-doctoral students. There are some conditions on which students are Eligible for the awards. They are listed below;-

  • Female Graduates along those who are in junior college having the subjects of physics, space physics, geosciences or geophysics may apply for the award.
  • When students are considering for the awards, reviewers are judged them on the basis of their academic achievements. Apart from their academic achievements they are also considered on other grounds.
  • These awards are useful for paying tuition fees, house facility, buying books, for conducting research work, travelling along with publication and registration expenses.
  • Candidates applying for the awards should be the citizen of America from the college or university from United States.
  • Candidates who are interested for building her career in science field along with research and teaching task.
  • Candidates going for Awis award should apply for first time.

Awis award is divided into 2 categories including:-

  • Awards for Under Graduate Students.
  • Awards for Graduates Students

Awards for Under Graduate Students :

  • Undergraduate Award �This award is for students who are in college and pursuing their second and third year or left with one year to complete their degree. Their application process includes a resume, essay along with 2 letters of reference.
  • Kirsten R Lorenzen Award- This award is for those students who are studying the subjects like physics, geosciences and geo physics in junior college .Their application process includes resume, essay along with 3 letters of reference.

Awards for Graduate Students :

  • Predoctoral Award- This award is for those students who have applied for PhD candidacy, and left with the minimum 2 years or one hand a half year to complete the degree. Their application process includes resume, research plan along with 2 letters of reference.
  • Satter Award- This award is for those students who have left their study of PhD program, in between for 3-4 years because of their family problems. Their application process includes resume, research plan along with the certificate of eligibility and letters of reference including 2.
  • Barbara Filner Award-This award is for those students who have applied to PhD candidacy. Apart from that they are also engaged in helping women who are advance in STEM field. Their application procedures includes resume, research plan, 2 letters of reference along with the documents containing the important activities which is used to help women in achieving their goal.
  • Louise Meyer Schutzmeister Award- This award is for those students who advanced to PhD candidacy and studying Physics as the main subject.


Awis awards offers benefits to men and women regarding their careers in STEM fields along with the training program included in that. Awis program includes networking, coaching along with mentoring opportunities. Students are discounted at certain rate when they have applied for membership.

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