IIT Examinations

Updated on: Friday, January 17, 2014

The entrance examinations to select students to join in Indian institute of Technologies and National Institute of technologies are organized in two stages viz 1. JEE main 2) JEE (advanced). The students who have cleared JEE (main) are eligible to approach in JEE (advanced) The candidates who have passed only JEE (main) can join in the colleges in India which have appealed to this examination.

The syllabus meant for this prestigious entrance examination has been framed by IIT and it is nothing but the syllabus of XI and XII put together. But the students need good knowledge from the basic of the subjects. There examinations cannot be treated like academic examinations. The question papers are set in such way to test the knowledge of the students in depth.

A statistics says that in the last year only 419 CBSE students out of 1528 who have appeared have passed the examination in JEE (Advance). If this is the case in CBSE, the results of state board are still alarming. Regarding state board’s students is concerned only 31 out 1490 students have cleared JEE (Advanced). This works out to 0.15 percentages. If this is the case what is going wrong Tamil Nadu education system. The maximum number of students one from Andra pradesh (3698). This is followed by Rajasthan (3631) UP (3520), Delhi (1509), MP (1489), Bihar (1108), Haryana (776), west Bengal (637) and Tamil Nadu (450).

To make IIT admission approachable the pattern of the selection procedure was realized by the human resource development. Based on this a student’s 60% from JEE (main) from respective school boards and 40% from JEE (main) score were taken into consideration more over, 20 percent able of the school board could take up JEE (advanced) to get seats in IITs.

This is the right time to have a look on the Education system and take steps to improve the performance.

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