E-Reading and peace in sleep

Updated on: Tuesday, December 30, 2014

“Sleep” is the forceful rest given by Nature and it gives good health and peace to human system.  Sleeping in the night is the natural course of action.  But the people who are working in the night shift are forced to work against nature.  That too, the people who are working in IT line Straus their sense organs particularly eyes by using electronic equipment.

The use of light emitting electronic devices like that of e-books before going to bed, disturbs their sleep.  According to a study, this kind of forceful use of organs in the night, that too using light emitting electronic devices disturbs sleep, affects overall health, alertness besides circadian clock.

Now the concern in between the biological effects of reading a limit emitting electronic device (LE-e book) and that of a printed book.  A research was conducted by at Brigham and Women’s Hospital at Washington.

It is found the body’s natural circadian, rhythms were interrupted by the shortwave length enriched light, otherwise known as blue light, from the electronic devices.

Anne Marie Charg, associate neuro scientist and author in BWH hospital.  In the division of sleep and circadian disorders, said that the participants are reading an LE-e book longer to fall asleep and reduced evening sleeping reduced melatonin secretion and later on timing of their circadian clock and reduced next morning alertness than when reading a printed text.

The earlier research has shown that blue light reduced the secretion of melatonin, impacts t5he circadian clock and increase alertness, the effects on sleep.  It is seen that I pad readers had reduced secretion of melatonin.

The extremely powerful effect of light has on the body’s natural sleep & wake pattern is a serious issue now.  This is the reason many have got sleep deficiency.  In the study only I pads were used.  But researchers also measured laptops, cell phones, LED monitors and other e leaders, all with blue light. 

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