Global Ranks and Indian Universities

Updated on: Monday, November 03, 2014

United States Education analysis and Ranking Website, released the ranking list of World Universities considering various parameters including global research, reputation, publications and number of Ph.D awards. The following list shows the global ranking of US education analysis and ranking

Institution            Global Ranking

Harvard University            1

MIT            2

University of California            3

Stanford University            4

Oxford University            5

University of Delhi            316

IISC            326

IIT-Mumbai            405

IIT-Kharkpur            484

Indian Govt is already on the way in ranking the Indian Universities. The US education analysis and ranking Website reveals that no Indian Insitution can fit to the top 300 in the world. IIT- Madras is not in the list at all.

Four of the top 5 Institutions in the Global Universities Ranking have the base in United States, followed by MIT, University of California, Berkely and Stardford University, California Institute of Technology, University of California - Los Angels, University of Chicago and Columbia University has been ranked for 30 years. 10 Indicators like Academic research performance and global and regional reputation are followed and 500 Institutions through at the world were analysed.

It is also seen that only 200 Universities as per the Thomson Research global reputation survey and the last 5 years were in the list of ranking.

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