Santosh University, Ghaziabad serves as a unique institution delivering quality medical / dental education and services. A number of institutions function under the auspices of Santosh University providing excellent academic and infrastructural facilities. The Institution has made rapid strides from its humble beginnings and was elevated to the status of Deemed University under section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 and notified by the Government of India by the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, New Delhi. The Maharaji Educational Trust, was established in 1993 at Chennai (Registered under Indian Trust Act ) through the pioneering efforts of Dr.P.Mahalingam.
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for admission to the following specialities for the academic year 2011-12
Post Graduate Degree and Diploma (Clinical and Non-clinical) courses
Group A
MD: General medicine; Paediatrics; Anesthesiology; Obstetrics and Gynaecology; TB and Chest; Psychiatric
MS: Orthopaedics; Ophthalmology; ENT
Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (DGO); Orthopaedics (D.Ortho); Ophthalmology (DO); Oto Rhino Laryngology (DLO); Child Health (DCH); Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases (DTCD); Psychiatric Medicine (D.P.M); Anesthesiology (DA)
MD: Pathology; Forensic medicine; Physiology; Biochemistry; Microbiology; Pharmacology;
Community medicine
PG Medical Question Bank Practice CD
Diploma in Forensic medicine (DFM); Clinical Pathology (DCP); Public Health (DPH)
Eligibility: Recognize MBBS degree and completion of Internship on or before 31.03.2011
Post graduate degree courses in Dentistry
Group B
MDS: Prosthodontics and Crown and Bridge; Periodontology; Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery; Conservative and Endodontics; Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics; Paediatric and Preventive Dentistry
Eligibility: Recognized BDS degree and completion of internship on or before 31.03.2011
Selection will be made on merit, based on the marks secured in the entrance examination conducted by this university on all India basis
Application form for entrance examination may be obtained from either of the following offices by post on requisition with a demand draft for Rs 1100/- (Rs one thousand one hundred only) drawn in favour of the registrar, Santosh university, payable at Ghaziabad, or in person by paying Rs 1,000/- (Rs one thousand only)
Santosh University, H.5, Santosh Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009; and no. 1, 7th avenue, Besant nagar, Chennai-600090 Tamilnadu
Maharaja Hall, Santosh University, Santosh Nagar, Ghaziabad
No.1, Santosh Nagar, Pratap Vihar, Ghaziabad 201009 (U P)
Ph : 0120-2741141 � 43 , Fax : 0120-2721140