Single Exam for All Central Universities

Updated on: Thursday, February 05, 2015

Human Resources Development Ministry of Indian Government has proposed to conduct one single Entrance Examination for all central Universities in India. This is one of the programs of the present central Government. It is proposed to conduct single Entrance Exam for all 42 central universities from the forth coming Academic year itself.

This kind of Entrance exams are already conducted by the IIT and ITM. And effect was taken earlier to conduct entrance examinations in the name NEET for all medical colleges. But this attempt failed because of the existing system of select as procedure in the states like Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh. Now the common Entrance exam, for 10 central universities are conducted by the states like Tamil Nadu, Bihar, Jharkhand, Gujarat, Rajasthan, J & K. a detailed discussion took place in the last year at Chandigarh in the conference vice chancellor.

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