Proud Dharmapuri

Updated on: Saturday, December 14, 2013

Dharmapuri District always shows normally a low literacy rate. But proud to proclaim a village this district recorded 100% literacy standard.

The general literacy rate in the district is simply 64.71% it is Makkanour village in O.G. Halli panchyat in Papparapatti which scored 100% literacy rate.

Makkanoor has 350 houses and the population is 1500. Almost all the young, leaving the age group of 70, are literates. ACI the 250 houses have produced 350 teachers who are working across Tamil Nadu.

As stand by, Mr. M.R.Gopal who is now 71 years old, that this is because of Mr.R.Subbarao, a freedom fighter and the head master of the school in 1950. He conducted lot of awareness sessions in the villages continuously to stress the importance of education. It is Mr. Subbarao who encouraged the parents of girl children to send them to school. But the question here is, who knows Subbarao unless Gopal informs about him?

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